Eating Disorder Support
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An eating disorder is a mental health condition where you use the control of food to cope with feelings and other situations. Unhealthy eating behaviours may include eating too much or too little or worrying about your weight or body shape. Anyone can get an eating disorder, but teenagers and young adults are mostly affected (
Eating disorders can be a difficult and complex issue to navigate, especially when comes to nutrition. It's important to work with an experienced healthcare professional who can provide personalised guidance and support and be a valuable team member in your recovery journey.

Eating Disorder Initial Assessment Appointment
90 minute initial assessment including review of previous medical history, medications, reason for referral, review of food diary, exploration of aims and setting of appropriate health goals plus additional time to explore safety aspects of input, medical risk and how this can be managed.
Meal plan provision if necessary.
​GP or Consultant liaison with consent *
*Liaison with GP & Therapist / Responsible Clinician will be a prerequisite of my input.
Investment £160 (virtual) / £175 (face to face)
Eating Disorder Follow Up Appointment
60 minute follow up appointment.
Review of health goals, adherence to meal plans, additional follow up meal plans (if required), ongoing liaison with professionals involved in care including physical monitoring requests.
Review of electronic food diaries via Recovery Record app.
Investment £110 / £400 (block of 4 appointments)

Guided Self Help for Eating Disorders
Manualised guided self help programme designed for clients unhappy with their relationship with food.
Based on CBT, DBT and compassion focused therapy.
Compliant with NICE guidance on guided self help for eating disorders.
Following initial assessment, programme consists of six sessions over 12 weeks.
Hard copy of manual for completion before each session.
Food record monitoring via Recovery Record app.
**Commitment to all sessions vital for success of treatment**
Investment (contact for more information)